Friday, December 30, 2016


Father, when my heart goes to questioning your goodness in my life and the lives of those around me, my mind always goes to Job. 

The difficulties he faced far surpass any difficulty I have ever faced. He questioned you until you spoke. 

When you spoke everyone was silenced. As you told the details about the world you created and all it takes to make life carry on, no one could give an explanation. Stunned beyond words. "Job, if you think you can do better, go ahead and try!" What could he even say?

Help me, when I question, to always remember this question. I could never do better than you.  

While I don't understand or I can't see the full picture, help me to fall on You in trust. 

You do all things well. 

Job 40

#breathingprayers #prayingscriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #job #trust #proveit 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Father, you call me to return. To start fresh. To leave behind the former ways and walk in godliness. If you didn't love, you wouldn't call. 

You are gracious and merciful. You are slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. You are jealous and have pity on your people. 

Such mercy and love. How can I take it for granted. Father, break my heart with the things that break yours. Call me unto yourself so that I cannot resist. 

You are a good God. 

Joel 2

 #prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #grace #mercy #worship 

Friday, December 23, 2016


Father, just as the angels, shepherds and wise men worshipped Jesus, all men will worship Him. Every knee will bow to you. All blessing, glory, wisdom, power, might, honor and thanks be to you forever. 

Make me one who worships you in spirit and in truth through the life I live. 

Revelation 7


#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #glorytogod #thegreatestgift #savior #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #advent #lovegodgreatly #godwithus

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A savior

Father, through Jesus you have given me so much. 

I have a Savior, Jesus Christ and

I can have great joy and peace found only through Him. 

Don't let the depth of that pass me by. 

And just as I see the shepherds and the angels giving glory and praise to you, let me not miss that. 

All glory to you, the Almighty God. 

All praise and honor to you, Jesus the Christ. 

Fill me with this awe. Not the "magic" of Christmas, but the truth of Christmas. 

For unto me, a Savior has been born. Thank you for your great love. 

Luke 2

#advent #seasonsillustrated #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #peace #joy #savior #glorytogod #thegreatestgift

Monday, December 19, 2016

She believed

Father, Mary had great faith and saw herself as you saw her. Humble and lowly... and you chose to use her. She chose to believe you and she lifted you up to your rightly deserved place. She magnified you and rejoiced in you, her Savior. She remembered and recounted the ways you bless your people. 

Help me to believe you, to humble myself before you and to magnify you with my life. Let your praise always be on my lips to recount the ways you bless your children, especially when we don't deserve one bit of your mercy. 

Thank you for your great mercy. 

Luke 1

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #adventillustrated #advent #seasonsillustrated #blessedisshe #magnifythelord #humble

Friday, December 16, 2016


Father, when the call wasn't quite what I expect it to be, I do want to run from your presence. Run to my comfort, away from what pulls me out of where I feel safe. 

I see myself in Jonah. I want to run and hide. How crazy is it to think I can hide from you, but I think I can. I act like I can... by not fulfilling the calling you have because of my fear of the unknown. Trying to stay "normal" and under the radar. 

Help me to surrender and walk in obedience to you. 

As Jonah repents and obeys, we see a nation who turn, repent and believe you. Help me to repent from my disobedience so that the people around me may see you at work and believe you. 

Because belief changes us. And you change everything about me, as I surrender to you. 


#adventillustrated #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #thegreatestgift #advent #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Father, thank you for the example of Joseph, he was kind, loved Mary and had integrity. He also believed you when you told him your plan. He was brave. 

What an amazing choice he was for the earthly father of you own Son. 

Thank you for Jesus, Immanuel, God with us. 

Help me to be obedient to you as Joseph was. To obey when things look tricky and against what I would normally do. Help me to obey with confidence knowing that you are Immanuel, God with me. 

Matthew 1

#godwithus #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #adventillustrated #seasonsillustrated #jesus #illmmanuel 

Monday, December 12, 2016

My lot

Father, you are my chosen portion and my cup. You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, I have a beautiful inheritance. 

My portion and my cup when my soul starves from the excess that surrounds me. Nothing else satisfied but you. I could partake of all the pleasures that overflow around me and fly in my face but they would still leave me starving. 

My satisfaction is in you. You hold my lot in this life, my boundaries.  While I feel like I have little earthly riches I know my inheritance is beautiful and that is my delight. What you have set aside for me as your own.  

Thank you that you have good for me. 

Psalm 16

#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #chosenportion #spiritualinheritance 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Most High

Father, thank you for the example of Mary. 

You would explode her world and use her to change the entire world. With the birth of one child. The Son of the Most High.... Jesus. 

Thank you that while she had fear and uncertainty, she trusted in your sovereign plan and submitted herself to your use. 

The Holy Spirit came upon this young woman and the power of the Most High overshadowed her. A mere girl, insignificant to anyone else. 

Thank you that you used the insignificant to birth new life... new awakenings, to the ways of your Holy Spirit. 

Father, do this new work in the insignificant of my life... birth new life through your Holy Spirit, because of what Christ has done for me. 

Luke 1

 #advent #themosthigh #illustratedfaith #heshallbecalled #JESUS #biblejournaling #thegreatestgift #adventillustrated #seasonsillustrated #prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #lovegodgreatly #godwithus

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Father, though the mountains depart and the hills be removed, though my world may shake and shatter, your steadfast love will not depart from me. It will never leave me and your covenant of peace will not be removed from me. 

You are my peace.  My foundation is secure in you. Thank you for your gift of Jesus as my Prince of Peace. 

Isaiah 54

#breathingprayers #prayingscriptures #godwithus #adventillustrated  #seasonsillustrated #advent #thegreatestgift #princeofpeace #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith

Monday, December 5, 2016

Became poor

Father, the obedience and submission of your Son is astounding. 

For the good of man and not His own. 

He chose to come down, lower Himself, make Himself poor, that I may be made rich, made right, made holy. 

Father, help me to see the needs of others as greater than my own. Help me to be willing to give to others even when it takes away from me. 

Give me a heart of submission and obedience. 

Break my heart with the things that break yours. 

John 6

#illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #godwithus #lovegodgodgreatly #prayingscriptures #breathingprayers #thewillofthefather 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Unto us

Unto us... a Son is born. Father, whispers of thanks at the thought. For me, a Son was given. He shall be called Wonderful Counselor, when I need answers and comfort. Mighty God, when I need seas parted and calmed. Everlasting Father, when I need to be guided and provided for. Prince of Peace, when the storms rage around me. 

All sufficient Christ. Given for me. 

Father, increase my joy at this truth. Let me not take this gift for granted, especially when the world drives me to desire bigger, better, faster. Help me to slow and bow low, in worship to this Christ. 

Isaiah 9

#thegreatestgift #godwithus #lovegodgreatly #prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #adventillustrated #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #adventillustrated #princeofpeace #everlastingfather #mightygod #wonderfulcounselor 

Monday, November 28, 2016


Father, this story feels hopeless. The decision of sin, it won. The weight is heavy. 

But I thank you that that isn't the end of the story. You, the loving Father, sought and met them in their sin. And without them ever understanding it, you gave them the promise of a Savior. It is here, in the mess... the constant struggle with sin, that the gospel begins. 

Help me to be prepared for this battle in the spirit. Help me to fight for hope in the prophecy of the Savior, to remember that you reign as Victor. 

Genesis 3

#adventillustrated #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #rootofjesse #jessetree #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #lovegodgreatly #godwithus #thegreatestgift 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Jesse tree

Father, as I wait for your coming by reading through the line of people Jesus came through, prepare my heart. These people were godly and pagan, rich and poor, outcasts and part of the in crowd. Help me to see myself in each of them. That you chose them and you used them in your story. As Israel waited and watched for your coming, we watch and wait also. We long for the day to see you face to face. As I study these lives, draw me to your heart and let me see your face. 

I await rescue. 

Matthew 1

#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #advent #thegreatestgift #rootofjesse #lineofjesus #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #adventillustrated 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Father, thank you for the revelation of your name The Lord is Peace. Thank you that when I surround myself with you, you give peace even in the middle of fear and the impossible. That just as Gideon was afraid and couldn't see what you were about to do, he obeyed you even through the fear. Help me to rest in your peace and your strength. Help me to obey you through my fear. 

Judges 6

#lessonsfromgideon #mightywarrior #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #nicu #picu #300 #fear 

Friday, November 18, 2016


Father, open my eyes to see myself how you see me. I see myself full of sin and guilt but you see me clothes in garments of salvation and in your robe of righteousness. You delight in me and rejoice over me. Thank you. Thank you for your call to repentance and salvation. Thank you for pursuing me. Help me to live loved by you, remembering who I belong to, because that changes me. I am yours. 

Isaiah 61 & 62

#illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #liveloved #uninvited #delight #rejoice #god

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Red Sea

Father, you do all things for your glory! I am just like the children of Israel, who, when I see the enemy coming and I see no way around the impossible task, my instinct is to turn and run back in fear. It looked like they had no where to go and Pharaoh's army mocked them. But you hardened the heart of Pharaoh to pursue them. Then you brought about a situation where only You could deliver them and all the glory would be yours. Your name became great among the Egyptians and it becomes great in my life when you work the impossible. Help me not to run back to my bondage when things feel risky and terrifying. Help me to not fear but to stand firm and watch your salvation come to pass. Thank you that you fight for me and all I have to do is be silent. Silent trust in my mighty God. 

Exodus 14

#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #bestill #bondage #fearnot #30daysofgratitude #timewarpwife #writingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Monday, November 14, 2016

My Beloved

Beloved is what you call me. To catch a glimpse of how you love me makes me desire to be found righteous and pure in your sight, Father. You have become my Beloved, and I desire no other. In you I find my value and worth. Help me to live loved by you. 

Song of Solomon 2

#love #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #solomon #liveloved #uninvited #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #jesusiloveyou 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Gideon's 300

Father, thank you for the example that you gave us in Gideon. How he was afraid, timid and full of doubt but you chose him. You changed him and called him out into faith to accomplish only what you could accomplish. Father, show me the "300" that you have given me. What seems impossible and unlikely, that you will do miracles for your glory and your fame. Though I fear, strengthen my hands. Thank you that even though I fear you make me brave to walk in obedience even when the fear isn't gone, so that my enemies destroy themselves. 
Judges 7
#illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #lessonsfromgideon #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #strength #fear 

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Gospel and the Gifting

Father, thank you for this letter from Paul to Timothy, as instruction for a young man in ministry. There are so many truths I want to sink deep into my heart. 
Father, help me to fan into flame the gift you have given me to use to further your gospel. Thank you that you have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind. Help me to not be ashamed to suffer for the sake of the gospel but be brave to face anything that comes toward me, even if it is from the church. Loose me from the fear of man. Help me to guard the deposits entrusted to me in the gospel and how you have gifted me to share it. Thank you that your Holy Spirit dwells in me and He will also guard what He has entrusted to me. You even do the work for me that I cannot do on my own. It is in your strength that I am even able to obey you. What grace. Thank you. 
2 Timothy 1
#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #entrusted #gospel #gifting #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Friday, November 4, 2016

You will receive power

Father, thank you for giving power through the Holy Spirit to be a witness for you. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for leading and guiding as I learn to walk in obedience to you. Let the gifts you have given me be used for only your glory. I want to be full of faith and to be used by you, so that every man, woman & child will know you. Holy Spirit, only you can change the hearts and minds of men. Awaken your people to your mission. Waken me. 
Acts 1
#acts #HolySpirit #glorytoGod #everymanwomanandchild #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #power #witnesses

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The same power

Father, thank you for the example of the early church, how they operated out of faith and obedience to you. Your Spirit moved among them. You saved, healed and delivered people for your glory. Father, would you put that same passion into your church today. Allow us to see your mighty hand save, heal and deliver people for your glory. Help us to have a deep passion and love for the lost. That we will risk our lives in obedience, that all men might hear the name of Jesus. Use us, your Church, for your glory. 
Acts 8
#1000gifts #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #saved #healed #delivered #glorytoGod #HolySpirit #acts

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Comfort the hearts of your people

Lord, I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, and God my Father, who loves me and gave me an eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort the hearts of your people and establish them in every good work. 
Father, in you only I find comfort, hope and grace for this daily walk. How often I fail, but Lord I know you can do the work in my. Establish me in every good work and word, so that the people around me can also know your great comfort, hope and grace. 
2 Thessalonians 2
#childrenoftheday #prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #comfort #grace #hope #hearts #goodwork #eternal 

Monday, October 24, 2016

The call of Moses

Father, when you call your people to do a work for your glory you don't expect perfection. You don't get angry at our fear and doubt. Thank you for the example you have shown in the life of Moses. He had doubts and fears. In his doubt you promised your presence, you reminded Moses of your covenants and your character and you required obedience. I've seen in my life how you do the same things over and over. Help me to walk in obedience. Thank you for showing me your promises, presence and your character. I know that what you call me to, you will accomplish. 
Exodus 3
#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #redeemed #30daysofgratitude #timewarpwife #obedience #presence #hischaracter #IAM #theburningbush #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #advent 

Friday, October 14, 2016

God of miracles

Father, make me a woman who believes in you! You are a God of miracles. Move in our midst. 
Help me to remove the doubt and disbelief and surround me with people who believe that you can do what you say you can do. 
Mark 5
#breathinprayers #prayingthescriptures #donotfear #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #godofmiracles #summitsayso 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Cast all your cares

Father, teach me to cast all my cares on you. To throw the things that crush my heart, my mind and my personality into your responsibility. That you alone can handle anyway. Help me to identify these things before they begin to affect me and those around me. Help me to cast them onto you in humility and not to keep them in my pride. Help me to let go of the control over these things, because I can't control them anyway. 
You are so good to desire to take care of me. 
Thank you, Father
1 Peter 5
#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #lpl2016 #basketcase #fear #anxiety #cares 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Faithful and True

Father, we long for the day of your return!
There is no one worthy besides you. As we wait for your return make us faithful. Help us to endure to the end. Great are you Lord!
"On His robe and on His thigh He has the name, King of kings and Lord of lords."
Revelation 19
#breathingprayers #illustratedfaith #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #Kingofkings #Faithful #true 

Friday, October 7, 2016

God is the strength of my heart

Father, I want to say honestly, there is nothing on earth that I desire beside you. Truly make that my one desire. My flesh and heart fail so often, Father.  But you make my heart strong and you fill me with everything I could need, my full portion. Help me to be quick to run to you for strength. Strengthen my heart. 
Psalm 73
#prayingthescriptures #strength #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #uninvited #breathingprayers #p31 #p31obs 

Monday, October 3, 2016

The gospel in word, in power and in conviction through the Holy Spirit

Praying the Scriptures 
1 & 2 Thessalonians Day 3 
1 Thess. 1:5 "because our gospel come to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake." 

Father, send out your gospel in word, in power, and with full conviction through your Holy Spirit. Convict us, as you people, to step up and live in the power of the Holy Spirit to share your gospel with every person we come in contact with. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to enable us to share your word. 

#31daychallenge #prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #childrenoftheday #thegospel #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith

Friday, September 30, 2016

Abundance of grace

Father, thank you for your gifts of peace with you and the abundance of grace. Thank you that you have given me access through faith into this grace. Thank you for your salvation from the wrath of God because of the death of your son. 
Thank you that even before my repentance, while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me. It is astounding. 
Help me, Father, to display that same grace to the people that you place around me, my husband, my children, my friends and coworkers. 
I want to live in that abundance of grace flowing in me and out of me. 
Romans 5
#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #grace #faith #awana #cubbies 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Entrusted to the one who judges justly

Father, thank you for your son, Jesus, who when they hurled insults at him, he did not retaliate, when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead he entrusted himself to the One who judges justly, his Father. 
Thank you for his example. Help me to focus my eyes on the One who judges justly. Help me to guard my mouth from insults, retaliation and threats when I am treated in a way that seems unjust. Help me to keep my heart soft to your molding and to be in quiet submission to you, my Father. 
You are good and just. 
1 Peter 2
#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #writingthescriptures #lovegodgreatly #1peter 
#just #entrusted

Monday, September 26, 2016

The thundering of your power

Father, the thunder of your power, who can understand? We will never stop searching for all your ways and knowledge of all that you have created. But your ways are hidden and no man can find them out. Thank you that you can see all things, that you gave the wind its height, and you know the measure of the waters. You made a decree for the rains and you command a way for the lightening and the thunder. You see all and establish all. Yet you say to me, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and that my turning away from evil is truly understanding. This astounds me. 
Help me to turn from striving to gain knowledge and wisdom and to run to you, to fear you and to turn from evil, that I may gain understanding. You are my God and I trust you. 
Job 26-29
#biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #writingthescriptures #wisdom #fearofthelordisthebeginningofwisdom 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Mercy triumphs over judgement

Father, we know that you delight in showing mercy. That your mercy triumphs over your judgement in always warning me before your judgement. Thank you that you always offer an opportunity for repentance. You are a good God. 
Help me to be quick to see my sin and repent from the sin that is hidden deep in my heart. My desire is to please you with my life. 
Exodus 11
#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #mercy #judgement #repentance 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Breath in my lungs

Father, you give me the breath I breathe and my desire is to praise you with every one of them. 
Thank you that you take pleasure in your people and you adorn the humble with salvation. Make me humble. 
Let me sing for joy and let the high praises of you, my God, be in my mouth. 
You are great and your works are mighty. All the earth shouts your praise. I pour out my praise to you. 
Psalm 149
#illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #pouroutourpraise 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Good Shepherd

Father, you are my Good Shepherd. I have no need. You make me lie down in green pastures and lead me beside the quiet waters. You give me rest. You restore my soul. You lead me in right paths for your name's sake. 
All I have in you is enough. You are my provision. You are my rest. Thank you that you direct my life for your glory. 
All I have is found in you. 
Psalm 23
#prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #breathingprayers #namesofgod #lovegodgreatly #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #goodshepherd 

Friday, September 16, 2016

He delights in me

Father, the thought that you delight in me is breathtaking. That you rescue me because of your great love. 
I have cried out to you in my distress and you have heard my voice. You bowed the heavens and came down... And rescued. And you continually rescue. 
Help me to keep your ways and to walk in your paths. Help me to allow the depth of your love to penetrate deep into my heart and overflow around me into the people you love. Help me to live loved. 
Psalm 18
#biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #love #liveloved #uninvited 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cleanse us from all unrighteousness

Father, thank you for your faithfulness to forgive as I come to you with a heart of repentance. You are faithful and just. Thank you for cleansing me from all unrighteousness. 
Give me a heart to be quick to confess my sin and all the things that separate me from you. I want to be washed clean. Put in me a hate for my sin. Put in me a heart of repentance. 
1 John 2
#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #repentance #confession #heisfaithful 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Anger does not produce righteousness

Father, thank you that your goal is to draw me to repentance and righteous through Jesus. 
Help me to know the power that is in the words that I speak. 
Help me to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. I know that my anger does not produce your righteousness. 
Help me to control my tongue and speak life to my husband, my children and all those you place in path daily. Let me see them the way you see them. 
James 1
#triggers #mob #kindwords #speech #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

That they may serve me

Father, thank you for showing me through the Israelites that you brought freedom so that they may serve you. 
Help me to see the things in my life that hold me captive and make me enslaved to my flesh. Help me to see that you call me to freedom so that I may serve and worship you in the freedom of the Holy Spirit. 
Set me free. Break my chains. My desire is to serve you alone. 
Exodus 8 & 9
#freedom #writingthescriptures #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #plaguesofegypt #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Faithful in prayer

Father, in these trials that I face daily help me to be joyful in hope, patient in tribulation, and make me faithful in prayer. 
May I be a woman of prayer. I want to know your heart and hear your voice. Thank you for your Holy Spirit to pray for me even when I have no words. 
Romans 12
#1000gifts #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #hope #prayer

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Father, help me to be strong and courageous in the things that you call me to even when I am full of doubt. Help me to not be afraid or filled with fear. 
Thank you that you are with me wherever I go and whatever I do. 
Joshua 1
#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #wellwateredwomen #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #strongandbrave 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Be watchful

Father, help me to be watchful, to stand firm in the faith, to be strong and to let all that I do be done in love. 
I know you have called me and you are equipping me. 
Thank you for the love you have lavished on me. 
1 Corinthians 16
#biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #wellwateredwomen #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #love 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Like a tree

Father, you know the way of the righteous. Help me to delight myself in the law of the LORD and meditate on it day and night. 
Make me like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields fruit in its season and who's leaf does not wither. 
You are the one who prospers all my ways. 
I delight in you. 
Psalms 1
#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #prayingthepsalms #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #tree #wellwateredwomen #kidsart 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

God sent me before you

Father, thank you that even what the enemy means for evil, you turn it for our good and for your glory. 
Give me clarity to see when you have worked a plan in my life that no one else could have done. Help me to always trust in your sovereignty. 
Genesis 45
#writingthescriptures #breathingprayers #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #writtenword #prayingthescriptures #joseph #coatofmanycolors #jessetree 

Monday, August 22, 2016

God always has a purpose

Father, thank you for bringing me to Joseph. Your timing is always perfect. Thank you for these examples in scripture to keep me focused on your sovereignty. 
You arranged every circumstance that Joseph faced to bring your purpose about. Joseph was faithful and he honored you in all he did. 
Help me to do the same. May I be found faithful to you and obedient to what you have called me to. Help me to focus my thoughts on your ways and your purposes, knowing that your way is always for your glory and for my good. Thank you that you always have a purpose even when the road is long and hard. 
Help me to follow hard after you. 
Genesis 41
#prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #breathingprayers #writingthescriptures #writtenword 

Friday, August 19, 2016


Father, I will praise you! I will give thanks. Great are your works, which are studied by all who delight in them. You are full of splender and majesty. Your righteousness endures forever. You have caused your wondrous works to be remembered. You are gracious and merciful. You always provide for those who fear you and you ways remember your covenant. 
Psalm 111
#breathingprayers #prayingthepsalms #1000gifts #biblejournaling #givethankstothelord #prayingthescriptures #remember #illustratedfaith 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Give thanks to the LORD

Praise the LORD! I give you thanks for you are good! Your love endures forever. 
You have saved us for your names sake, that the all may know of your mighty power. 
You have redeemed from the hand of the enemy. 
Psalm 106
#prayingthescriptures #illustratedfaith #1000gifts #breathingprayers #prayingthepsalms #biblejournaling #givethankstothelord 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Josephs dream

Father, you gave Joseph the dream. He didn't know what you were doing but he trusted, he waited and he was faithful where you placed him. 
Thank you for his example. Help me to wait on you and trust you when I can't see through the impossible. Help me to be faithful where you have placed me while I wait on you to move me. 
Thank you that you are with me and you never leave me. 
Genesis 37
#breathingprayers #biblejournaling #1000gifts #writingthescriptures #handwrittenwords #prayingthescriptures #illustratedfaith 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

He heard my cry

Father, I wait patiently for you. I know you hear my cry. I know that in the proper time you will draw me up out of destruction and the mire and set my feet on a rock. You will make my steps secure. You have put a new song in my heart and your praise will ever be on my lips. 
Many will see and fear, and put their trust in you.
Thank you for your deliverance. 
Psalm 40

Monday, August 8, 2016

Bread broken for you

Father, thank you for the example that you gave us in Christ, that the night he was betrayed he gave thanks for the bread that was to be broken, which is an example of himself. 
He had just come through betrayal and was facing death, yet he thanked you. You always good gifts even if they don't look good in the moment. 
As I face things in my life that I don't understand, help me to always look for ways to thank you. Open my eyes to see the ways you bless even in the midst of sacrifice. Help me to lay myself down and always give thanks to you. 
You are always worthy. 
1 Corinthians 11