Friday, February 26, 2016

with my whole heart

"Father, I pray that as I open Your Word, You would speak to me.
Give me a clear mind to read and understand.  Open the eyes of my heart to hear You nudge me in the direction You want to lead me today.  Give me revelation and understanding of new deeper concepts hidden in Your words.  
Holy Spirit, convict me of the things I need to change in my heart and comfort me with Your words of love written to me.
I desire to go deeper and to know You more.  I desire to love You more and to love Your Word more. 
Do a new work in me today, change me by Your words."  Psalm 119

Thursday, February 25, 2016

I Wait for You

Oh Father, great is your faithfulness! For you are good to those who wait for you, to the soul who seeks you. I will wait quietly for you, to see your salvation. 
Lord, help my unbelief. Waiting is hard. Help me to only look to you and keep my eyes off other people. Help me to be still and wait patiently for you to move in a way that will bring you the most glory in my life. 
Thank you for your great mercy, that is new every morning.  
Psalm 37:7, Lam. 3:25

Perfect Power

Father, I can do nothing without you! I can't be a good enough wife, mother, daughter or friend. Thank you that your grace is enough and that you use me even in all my weakness. Thank you that you always answer my prayers, even when it is a no because your plan is alway better. You are a good Father. Help me to rest in your grace even when you tell me no and embrace my weakness so that your power can be perfected through my weakness. I rest in your perfect grace, your power and your perfection. 
2 Cor. 12:8-9

You Intercede

Father, thank you that you sent your Spirit as a helper for me. Holy Spirit, thank you that you search my heart and you know the mind of the Father for me that you intercede according to the will of God. Help me to wait with patience and trust in your sovereignty. You do work all things together, for I love you and I have been called for your purpose. 
Romans 8:25-28

Choose Joy

Father, today I need your strength. Help me to walk in your joy. You are holy and do all things well. So as my day begins rushed, running late, with arguing kids, spilled cereal, a runny nose baby, and breathing treatments help me to choose joy and walk in your strength. Help me to see the little joys you give, sweet kisses and kids working on their own and brothers loving brothers. I don't want to miss these gifts give. I rest in your joy and in your strength. Help me to stand against the enemy trying to steal my joy. 
I love you, Lord. Thank you for your good gifts and for bringing me back. Your mercy always leads me to repentance. 
Nehemiah 8:10

Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength

Father, thank you! I am your child and I delight to do your will. I love you. Thank you for the reminder today of all that you daily give me. Help me to love you and to obey you with my whole heart, soul, mind and strength. Thank you that you are a good Father and that you always provide for all my needs. Deut 11:13-15. 

Your Purpose Will Prevail

Father, you are sovereign in my life. Thank you. I trust your heart and your intentions. You are always good. 
As we plan and calculate and think about all the new things going on in our lives, I thank you that your plan will prevail. I surrender my plan to you as you do the work, I will wait on you. 
Proverbs 19:21

You Forgave

Father, thank you that as You continue to refine me and show me the iniquity in my heart, that You also forgive the iniquity in my heart. 
I will acknowledge, I will not cover and I will confess. Thank you that You forgive. Psalm 32:5
Thank you 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Vision of Breathing Prayers

Friday, February 5, 2016

To Love

I just started following a scripture writing plan for the month of February and this was today's passage. 

It hit me hard. As I was reading I became so convicted in my lack of love toward my husband and my children.

Last night I lost it. I screamed and disciplined one of my children in anger over a bottle of spilled soap. An entire brand new bottle of soap. On purpose. 

Love is patient and kind. 
The rest of the list seems to fall under one or the other, at first thought. So I am going to meditate on what those words mean. 
I want to let this soak into my heart. 

I am so thankful for His mercy and His grace. 

Father, thank you for Your great love. Unimaginable, reckless love. You delight in showing mercy and I am broken and humbled that You would love me in my mess.  Forgive me for acting impatient and unkind to these children You have placed in my life. Teach me how to love like this. Would You fill me with a great love for my husband and my children to live out Your gospel and Your great example of love. 
Help me, Father, to be patient and kind to my children. Thank you for bringing conviction of the ways I fall short. I know Your Holy Spirit is at work in my heart. Soften my heart to love as You love.