Friday, July 29, 2016

Armor of God pt 2

Father, thank you for the armor you have given me. 
Thank you for the belt of truth that helps me stand secure against the lies of the enemy. The breastplate of righteous tells me that I am righteous because of you and calls me to walk in righteousness. Thank you for the shoes of peace that show me I have peace with you and because of you in the circumstances I face. Thank you for the shield of faith that I must hold up to fight the fear the enemy wants to shoot at me. Thank you for the helmet of salvation that helps me keep my mind focused on who you have made me to be in Christ. Thank you for the sword of the Spirit, your Word, for the battles that I face in the spirit. 
Father, you have armed me well with your armor. 
Help me to be diligent daily to put it on and to stand knowing that you always win the battle. 
Ephesians 6

He will sustain

Father, you say to cast all my care on you and you will sustain me. 
Whatever situation I face, you sustain me. Thank you for this promise that I can cling to. 
Help me to cast my burden on you instead of trying to bear it myself. And help me to rest in you to sustain me. 
Psalm 55

Monday, July 25, 2016

The LORD of Hosts

Father, help me to stop focusing on the physical like Saul did. But help me to see like David. Help me to see that you do battle in the spiritual. Help me to set my focus on your name. The LORD of Hosts. You go before me in battle and you used the things you placed in my had to accomplish the victory. 
I must stand in you. 
You will win the battle. 
1 Samuel 17

Friday, July 22, 2016

More Value than Many Sparrows

Father, you continually bring me back to the sparrows. Your love for me is great and you value me deeply. I run to you in trust that my life and the circumstances of my life are in the palm of my hand. Nothing can touch me without your permission and I cannot do anything to mess up your sovereignty. 
Helps me to trust you and praise you even as the sparrows live their lives in no fear or worry for what tomorrow brings. 
You are my good Father. 
All my hope is in you. 
Matthew 10

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

When God removed Saul...

Father, you are sovereign in all things. You place leaders, authorities and ministries in positions and you remove them. You place me exactly where you want me to be. Help to always focus on that and not want what you have given to another person. Make me a woman after your own heart and cause me to delight to do your will always. 
Lead me by your spirit. 
Acts 13

Monday, July 18, 2016

He hushed the sea

Father, I cry out to you in my storms and my troubles and you deliver me from my distress. You make the storm calm. You hush the waves. You bring me to a haven to rest in you. If not physically, you will spiritually so that I am not overcome. Thank you for your steadfast love and all of the wondrous works you do in my life. 
Because of you I have peace in the midst of the storm or peace from the storm, whichever you decide. You are faithful. 
Psalm 107

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Simon and his Shield of Faith

Father, thank you for the example of faith that you have given us in Simon. 
He obeyed your voice, after he has already cleaned his nets, and at your word he went out and cast their nets again.  Simon was able to see your provision in abundance because of his obedience and steps of faith. 
Simon knew that Christ is worthy leaving everything to follow. 
Help me to have strong faith to obey you. You are always faithful and you never let me down. 
I trust in you. 
Luke 5

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

King of Peace

Hosanna...Save now... King Jesus, thank you that you are my King of Peace. You give me peace with God because of what you did on the cross and you give me peace daily as I respond to the circumstances in my life. 
Help me to daily cultivate peace by staying my mind on you, in how I pray, what I ask and what I focusing my mind on in scripture. 
You never fail me. I have all trust in you... And because of that I have peace... In you. 
Matthew 21, Isaiah 26

Friday, July 8, 2016

Hold on to Hope

Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus, the forerunner on our behalf, our High Priest. 
Help us to hold fast to the hope set before us. Thank you that you are our anchor of hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain. 
You are my hope. 
Hebrew 6:9

Shoes of Peace

Father, thank you that as I stay my mind on you, you will give me perfect peace that goes beyond anything I can understand. 
Thank you that in Jesus I have peace with you and I am able to have peace in all circumstances. 
Help me to moment by moment set my mind on you. 
Help me to trust you. 
You are my peace. 
Isaiah 26

Friday, July 1, 2016

Mountain of the Lord

Father, teach us your ways so that we may walk in you paths. 
How I long for the day to go up to the mountain of the Lord. 
You rescue your people and no one can know your thoughts. 
Teach me your ways. 
Micah 4