Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Unto us

Unto us... a Son is born. Father, whispers of thanks at the thought. For me, a Son was given. He shall be called Wonderful Counselor, when I need answers and comfort. Mighty God, when I need seas parted and calmed. Everlasting Father, when I need to be guided and provided for. Prince of Peace, when the storms rage around me. 

All sufficient Christ. Given for me. 

Father, increase my joy at this truth. Let me not take this gift for granted, especially when the world drives me to desire bigger, better, faster. Help me to slow and bow low, in worship to this Christ. 

Isaiah 9

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Monday, November 28, 2016


Father, this story feels hopeless. The decision of sin, it won. The weight is heavy. 

But I thank you that that isn't the end of the story. You, the loving Father, sought and met them in their sin. And without them ever understanding it, you gave them the promise of a Savior. It is here, in the mess... the constant struggle with sin, that the gospel begins. 

Help me to be prepared for this battle in the spirit. Help me to fight for hope in the prophecy of the Savior, to remember that you reign as Victor. 

Genesis 3

#adventillustrated #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #rootofjesse #jessetree #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #lovegodgreatly #godwithus #thegreatestgift 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Jesse tree

Father, as I wait for your coming by reading through the line of people Jesus came through, prepare my heart. These people were godly and pagan, rich and poor, outcasts and part of the in crowd. Help me to see myself in each of them. That you chose them and you used them in your story. As Israel waited and watched for your coming, we watch and wait also. We long for the day to see you face to face. As I study these lives, draw me to your heart and let me see your face. 

I await rescue. 

Matthew 1

#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #advent #thegreatestgift #rootofjesse #lineofjesus #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #adventillustrated 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Father, thank you for the revelation of your name The Lord is Peace. Thank you that when I surround myself with you, you give peace even in the middle of fear and the impossible. That just as Gideon was afraid and couldn't see what you were about to do, he obeyed you even through the fear. Help me to rest in your peace and your strength. Help me to obey you through my fear. 

Judges 6

#lessonsfromgideon #mightywarrior #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #nicu #picu #300 #fear 

Friday, November 18, 2016


Father, open my eyes to see myself how you see me. I see myself full of sin and guilt but you see me clothes in garments of salvation and in your robe of righteousness. You delight in me and rejoice over me. Thank you. Thank you for your call to repentance and salvation. Thank you for pursuing me. Help me to live loved by you, remembering who I belong to, because that changes me. I am yours. 

Isaiah 61 & 62

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Red Sea

Father, you do all things for your glory! I am just like the children of Israel, who, when I see the enemy coming and I see no way around the impossible task, my instinct is to turn and run back in fear. It looked like they had no where to go and Pharaoh's army mocked them. But you hardened the heart of Pharaoh to pursue them. Then you brought about a situation where only You could deliver them and all the glory would be yours. Your name became great among the Egyptians and it becomes great in my life when you work the impossible. Help me not to run back to my bondage when things feel risky and terrifying. Help me to not fear but to stand firm and watch your salvation come to pass. Thank you that you fight for me and all I have to do is be silent. Silent trust in my mighty God. 

Exodus 14

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Monday, November 14, 2016

My Beloved

Beloved is what you call me. To catch a glimpse of how you love me makes me desire to be found righteous and pure in your sight, Father. You have become my Beloved, and I desire no other. In you I find my value and worth. Help me to live loved by you. 

Song of Solomon 2

#love #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #solomon #liveloved #uninvited #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #jesusiloveyou 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Gideon's 300

Father, thank you for the example that you gave us in Gideon. How he was afraid, timid and full of doubt but you chose him. You changed him and called him out into faith to accomplish only what you could accomplish. Father, show me the "300" that you have given me. What seems impossible and unlikely, that you will do miracles for your glory and your fame. Though I fear, strengthen my hands. Thank you that even though I fear you make me brave to walk in obedience even when the fear isn't gone, so that my enemies destroy themselves. 
Judges 7
#illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #lessonsfromgideon #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #strength #fear 

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Gospel and the Gifting

Father, thank you for this letter from Paul to Timothy, as instruction for a young man in ministry. There are so many truths I want to sink deep into my heart. 
Father, help me to fan into flame the gift you have given me to use to further your gospel. Thank you that you have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind. Help me to not be ashamed to suffer for the sake of the gospel but be brave to face anything that comes toward me, even if it is from the church. Loose me from the fear of man. Help me to guard the deposits entrusted to me in the gospel and how you have gifted me to share it. Thank you that your Holy Spirit dwells in me and He will also guard what He has entrusted to me. You even do the work for me that I cannot do on my own. It is in your strength that I am even able to obey you. What grace. Thank you. 
2 Timothy 1
#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #entrusted #gospel #gifting #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Friday, November 4, 2016

You will receive power

Father, thank you for giving power through the Holy Spirit to be a witness for you. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for leading and guiding as I learn to walk in obedience to you. Let the gifts you have given me be used for only your glory. I want to be full of faith and to be used by you, so that every man, woman & child will know you. Holy Spirit, only you can change the hearts and minds of men. Awaken your people to your mission. Waken me. 
Acts 1
#acts #HolySpirit #glorytoGod #everymanwomanandchild #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #power #witnesses

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The same power

Father, thank you for the example of the early church, how they operated out of faith and obedience to you. Your Spirit moved among them. You saved, healed and delivered people for your glory. Father, would you put that same passion into your church today. Allow us to see your mighty hand save, heal and deliver people for your glory. Help us to have a deep passion and love for the lost. That we will risk our lives in obedience, that all men might hear the name of Jesus. Use us, your Church, for your glory. 
Acts 8
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