Father, you didn't take the Israelites the quickest way. You knew that when they saw the enemies they would have to encounter and the hardships they would have had to walk through, they would have ran back to Egypt in fear.
You had to gently lead them to grow their faith and to experience your wonders to prepare them for all the difficult things they were going to face.
You lead them the long way around with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
You do the same for me. When I want you to take me straight to the destination and when I get frustrated with where I am still waiting, help me to remember this. I would run in fear back to the life I know, the life that doesn't challenge me. I would be afraid of all I had to face if I could see it all now.
Build my faith and my confidence in you so that when the enemies do rise up and the obstacles do stop me in my path, I know to stand still and wait for your salvation. Help me to know that it is you who goes before me and does the things that only you can do.
Lead me now, by your Spirit.
Exodus 13
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