Father, you call me to be faithful. In the tiny replies, every response and reaction... even on social media.
You call me to be faithful in this step... then that one... but wait faithfully right there for the next one. Don't move yet. Be faithful.
You call me to be faithful with every table I wipe and every diaper I change. Every time I have to turn his socks right side out and every pot I have to clean up.
You call me to be faithful in the reading of your word and the minutes spent in prayer. Faithful with my time spent in worship, to not be distracted by voices but set my mind on you.
You call me to be faithful to the time listening to a woman pouring her heart out or just needing to vent. Even how I am living the words that I preach.
I complain and threaten to throw in the towel. I whine when it is too much.
Father, call my heart to repentance and teach me to be faithful. Even to death to myself. A faithful one who loves to please her Master.
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