Friday, September 29, 2017


Father, you call me to be faithful. In the tiny replies, every response and reaction... even on social media. 

You call me to be faithful in this step... then that one... but wait faithfully right there for the next one. Don't move yet. Be faithful. 

You call me to be faithful with every table I wipe and every diaper I change. Every time I have to turn his socks right side out and every pot I have to clean up. 

You call me to be faithful in the reading of your word and the minutes spent in prayer. Faithful with my time spent in worship, to not be distracted by voices but set my mind on you. 

You call me to be faithful to the time listening to a woman pouring her heart out or just needing to vent. Even how I am living the words that I preach. 

I complain and threaten to throw in the towel. I whine when it is too much. 

Father, call my heart to repentance and teach me to be faithful. Even to death to myself. A faithful one who loves to please her Master. 

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Friday, September 22, 2017


Father, thank you for your law and using it to show me how far I fall short every day. 

Thank you for your mercy and grace overflowing so that I can no longer be who I once was. 

Thank you for your perfect patience and revealing to me how impatient I am so that I can have the opportunity daily to repent and ask you to renew my mind and heart. 

Thank you for showing me in your word that the aim of everything I do should be LOVE. Help me to love even when it is inconvenient. 

Thank you that you call me and teach me to be faithful with what you have given to me... the ministry that is before me. Make my eyes able to see what it is you set before me. Make me faithful. 

Thank you that you desire all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. Help me to be faithful to learn and know your truth so that I can't be easily led away from you. 

1 Timothy 1, 2 & 3

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wits end

Father, I have been at my wits end this week. So many emotions and thoughts. I am overwhelmed. 

Listen to my prayer and answer me quickly! Deliver me from the things that seek to destroy me. Don't hide yourself from me!

No one can stand under your judgement because no one is righteous before you. I will never measure up. But you show great mercy and steadfast love because of your name's sake. 

Teach me to do your will. Show me the right path. You hold my life and plans in your hand and I remember from the past that your steadfast love will prevail above all failure. 

Psalm 143

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Friday, September 1, 2017


Father, thank you that you have given us the Holy Spirit and freedom in you. Thank you for revealing the law to unveil your great grace. 

Help me to walk in the Spirit so that your fruit will be evident in my life. I want these to flow out of my life... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self control. 

Help me not to sow out of my flesh, which brings death, but to sow out of the Spirit, which brings life! Help me to not grow weary doing what you have placed in front of me. But help me to be faithful and work fully as unto you. 

May my boast be in Christ alone. 

Galatians 5 & 6

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