Friday, December 29, 2017


Father, thank you for your word and the Holy Spirit to give understanding.



I see myself in all four kinds of soil through my life. It breaks my heart because I want to have understanding of your ways and Your Kingdom.



Make my heart good soil for the seeds of your word so that my life will give fruit and bring you glory. Change my heart, oh God.



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #kingdomhearts #kingdomofGod #fruit #goodsoil #sower #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Father, you command me not to be anxious but to run to you in prayer.



Thank you that you listen to my prayers and that you know what I need before I need it.



Thank you that you provide peace and protection from my own wicked heart and earthy mind when I run to you. 



Help me to walk in obedience on where I place my mind and heart. Thank you that you have given me what I need to stand on your word and in trust.

Philippians 4



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Friday, December 22, 2017


Father, the words of Jesus are so hard. His warnings so strong. That persecution will come. But not to fear.



Thank you for your great love. That even when a sparrow falls, you know. And I am of more value to you, so that you know every hair on my head.



I want to live my life proclaiming the truth found in knowing you.



Thank you for the peace that you bring to me. But that peace was a violent thing to attain. Thank you that Jesus was obedient to endure that violence and make a way for peace between you and every man, woman and child. Thank you that you are my Peace.

Matthew 10



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #matthew #womenoftheword #lovegodgreatly #heispeace #peace #hair #hairsonmyhead #sparrows #value #peaceonearth 

Monday, December 18, 2017


Father, sometimes I wonder why you set us on the path you have set us on. Or why you have allowed the difficulties that you have.



When things get hard I am tempted to ask questions like "why?" And "Will you please fix this??"



It is harder from me to ask for your will.



Help me to trust your perfect Father heart toward me. Help me to trust the path you have for me. Help me to know without a doubt, that this thing, obstacle, trial, is for your glory. Help me to trust like Jesus. He knew your heart for him and he obeyed. 



You have always done it. You always will. Even in the pain, let my will die and let your will be done.



Thank you that you will accomplish this for your glory.

Mark 14



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #notmywill #yourwill #strongwilledGod #strongarmofgod #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Friday, December 15, 2017


Father, you are the one who daily opens my eyes and my ears. You are my constant help.



You are the one who fights for me and gives me more mercy than I will ever deserve.



Thank you that I can trust in you. Thank you that you are my God and I can rely on you. You will never let me down. 



Lead me and call to me. Keep me on your path of righteous for the sake of your name.

Isaiah 50



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #trust #trustinthelord #relyongod #bible #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #hesustains 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Oh my Father, you are so good.



You are full of mercy and steadfast love toward your people. You turn your ear to our cries and remember your covenant to take care of us.



You cause those who hold us captive, to change their minds and to have pity on us. Thank you for your great mercy.



You save us in our time of need. I will give thanks to your holy and precious name. I find my joy in giving you all the praise.

Psalm 106



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Monday, December 4, 2017


Father, your ways are higher than my ways and your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. I have nothing to offer you.



Yet you choose me. You have not forgotten and and you will not. I have been engraved on your hand.



I am yours.



Thank you. Compel me to love the people around me when I want to drive them away because I don't feel I am enough.



I am not enough. But you are enough. And am all I need to be in you.



Child. Protected. Loved. Engraved. I belong.

In you. 

Isaiah 49



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Saturday, December 2, 2017


Father, thank you that you are a strong city, a strong tower to me. Thank you that you surround me with your protection. You battle for me. 



Thank you that perfect peace is there for me when I purposefully place my mind on you. Help me to remember that in my mind is a battle for your truth and the enemies lies. Strengthen me for that battle. 



Help me to stay my mind on you. Give me a steadfast mind and heart.



Because of who you are and all the ways you have been faithful in my life, I *know* that I can trust you completely.



You are my trustworthy Father and I can steady my mind on that promise.

Isaiah 26



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