Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Father, thank you for your living Word and those you chose to write it.



I often wonder at the conversation between brothers.... James and Jesus. James wrote so practically to us, and I wonder how the day to day relationship with Jesus impacted his words.



So many deep truths that I pray soak deep. Father, thank you that you desire for me to ask for wisdom and that you desire to give it to me!



Thank you that you are perfecting me and desire me to be found steadfast and full of joy in every trial.



Help me to lay aside my desires and my flesh, which lead me to sin. Help me to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. I don't want to be full of anger, but to be full or your righteousness. Help me to be a doer or the word. Don't let my words be rushed and not count for anything. Help me to do what I say I will do.



Thank you that you don't change and that love fulfilled the law of Christ. Thank you that mercy triumphs over judgement. Without that mercy we would be without hope.

James 1



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Friday, January 26, 2018


Father, the massage that Jesus gave to the crowds on the mountain changed everything about the law.



It ain't abolished, but completely fulfilled.



It turned all eyes to the hearts of men and women to reveal our desperate need.



That even if we fulfill all righteousness on the outside, my heart is evil and my life just becomes a show.



It changed the question from "what can I get away with?" To "what can I get away from?"



You took the option of legalism right out of the picture. Change my heart.



Take out the heart of stone and change it into a heart of flesh that burns for love and obedience to you.

Matthew 5-7



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Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Father, the message of Jesus has wrecked me yet again. So different from the culture, even in the church.



Your kingdom is at hand... and it costs everything.



Your Kingdom is opposite of all I know within myself.



Blessed are those who are poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness... before You, those who see their deep need for you. Not what they have and can do on their own, because only you make a way.



Blessed are the merciful, pure in heart, the peacemakers and those who are persecuted for your sake... before others and the overflow of the depth and truth of how we live our lives in relationship with you.



Help me to walk out this life you have placed me in. Help me not strive for an outward appearance of godliness, but make my heart pure and only desire the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 5



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Monday, January 15, 2018


Father, let justice and righteousness flow like mighty rivers and surge like mighty oceans. Flood is with it.



Let us be a people who stand up for the poor and marginalized.



Father, give us compassion just as Jesus operated constantly in compassion and never got annoyed with the constant need and interruptions.



Interrupt our lives. Ruin our likes for the normal.



Move us mightily with your great love to live our justice and righteousness.



Thank you that you are our great and merciful Judge.

Amos 5



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Friday, January 12, 2018


Father, my desire is that your word and all that is in it becomes a joy and a delight to me more and more every day. 



I want to be thrilled by what you have hidden for me to find as I search for you.



My greatest desire is to shed this dead self that is full of sin, to become a radiant reflection of you and your name so that all come to see and know you. Help me to live a life worthy of carrying your name, full of grace, mercy and repentance. 



You are my delight.




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Monday, January 8, 2018


Father, thank you for the example of the widow and the offering she gave.



She gave out of the abundance she had in you. Though she walked in poverty on this earth, but she lived her life knowing that all she needed could be found in you. 



You are enough.



Help me to live in that same mindset on this earth. That no matter the lack or overflow that I have in earthing things, none of it compares to who you are and the riches of knowing you gives. Make me content in you, knowing and trusting that I am yours, I Am Loved and all I need is found in you.

Mark 12



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