Father, thank you for your living Word and those you chose to write it.
I often wonder at the conversation between brothers.... James and Jesus. James wrote so practically to us, and I wonder how the day to day relationship with Jesus impacted his words.
So many deep truths that I pray soak deep. Father, thank you that you desire for me to ask for wisdom and that you desire to give it to me!
Thank you that you are perfecting me and desire me to be found steadfast and full of joy in every trial.
Help me to lay aside my desires and my flesh, which lead me to sin. Help me to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. I don't want to be full of anger, but to be full or your righteousness. Help me to be a doer or the word. Don't let my words be rushed and not count for anything. Help me to do what I say I will do.
Thank you that you don't change and that love fulfilled the law of Christ. Thank you that mercy triumphs over judgement. Without that mercy we would be without hope.
James 1
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