Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Father, help me to be strong and courageous in the things that you call me to even when I am full of doubt. Help me to not be afraid or filled with fear. 
Thank you that you are with me wherever I go and whatever I do. 
Joshua 1
#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #wellwateredwomen #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #strongandbrave 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Be watchful

Father, help me to be watchful, to stand firm in the faith, to be strong and to let all that I do be done in love. 
I know you have called me and you are equipping me. 
Thank you for the love you have lavished on me. 
1 Corinthians 16
#biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #wellwateredwomen #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #love 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Like a tree

Father, you know the way of the righteous. Help me to delight myself in the law of the LORD and meditate on it day and night. 
Make me like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields fruit in its season and who's leaf does not wither. 
You are the one who prospers all my ways. 
I delight in you. 
Psalms 1
#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #prayingthepsalms #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #tree #wellwateredwomen #kidsart 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

God sent me before you

Father, thank you that even what the enemy means for evil, you turn it for our good and for your glory. 
Give me clarity to see when you have worked a plan in my life that no one else could have done. Help me to always trust in your sovereignty. 
Genesis 45
#writingthescriptures #breathingprayers #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #writtenword #prayingthescriptures #joseph #coatofmanycolors #jessetree 

Monday, August 22, 2016

God always has a purpose

Father, thank you for bringing me to Joseph. Your timing is always perfect. Thank you for these examples in scripture to keep me focused on your sovereignty. 
You arranged every circumstance that Joseph faced to bring your purpose about. Joseph was faithful and he honored you in all he did. 
Help me to do the same. May I be found faithful to you and obedient to what you have called me to. Help me to focus my thoughts on your ways and your purposes, knowing that your way is always for your glory and for my good. Thank you that you always have a purpose even when the road is long and hard. 
Help me to follow hard after you. 
Genesis 41
#prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #breathingprayers #writingthescriptures #writtenword 

Friday, August 19, 2016


Father, I will praise you! I will give thanks. Great are your works, which are studied by all who delight in them. You are full of splender and majesty. Your righteousness endures forever. You have caused your wondrous works to be remembered. You are gracious and merciful. You always provide for those who fear you and you ways remember your covenant. 
Psalm 111
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Monday, August 15, 2016

Give thanks to the LORD

Praise the LORD! I give you thanks for you are good! Your love endures forever. 
You have saved us for your names sake, that the all may know of your mighty power. 
You have redeemed from the hand of the enemy. 
Psalm 106
#prayingthescriptures #illustratedfaith #1000gifts #breathingprayers #prayingthepsalms #biblejournaling #givethankstothelord 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Josephs dream

Father, you gave Joseph the dream. He didn't know what you were doing but he trusted, he waited and he was faithful where you placed him. 
Thank you for his example. Help me to wait on you and trust you when I can't see through the impossible. Help me to be faithful where you have placed me while I wait on you to move me. 
Thank you that you are with me and you never leave me. 
Genesis 37
#breathingprayers #biblejournaling #1000gifts #writingthescriptures #handwrittenwords #prayingthescriptures #illustratedfaith 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

He heard my cry

Father, I wait patiently for you. I know you hear my cry. I know that in the proper time you will draw me up out of destruction and the mire and set my feet on a rock. You will make my steps secure. You have put a new song in my heart and your praise will ever be on my lips. 
Many will see and fear, and put their trust in you.
Thank you for your deliverance. 
Psalm 40

Monday, August 8, 2016

Bread broken for you

Father, thank you for the example that you gave us in Christ, that the night he was betrayed he gave thanks for the bread that was to be broken, which is an example of himself. 
He had just come through betrayal and was facing death, yet he thanked you. You always good gifts even if they don't look good in the moment. 
As I face things in my life that I don't understand, help me to always look for ways to thank you. Open my eyes to see the ways you bless even in the midst of sacrifice. Help me to lay myself down and always give thanks to you. 
You are always worthy. 
1 Corinthians 11

Friday, August 5, 2016

In control of the seas

Father, as you show us through the story of Job, you are in control of all things. Nothing can happen apart from you. You command the seas, the rains, the dew and the mist. You give abundantly. You spread out the clouds, the lightening and the thunder. You judge the wicked and the righteous. 
 There is none like you. Great is your power. 
Father, use your power in the circumstances of our lives to exalt yourself. 
Help me to trust you and obey you. 
Job 36 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

When my souls longing is wrong

Father, there is so much forgiveness and restoration found in this portion of scripture between Jacob and Esau that you graciously gave. But in this portion I also have my eyes opened to Shechem. 
Father, help me to see that sometimes the thing that my soul longs for is wrong. And that nothing I can do will make it right again, just as the circumcision of many men did not make the wrong that Shechem did to Dinah right. 
Help me to know when my souls longings are not from you and to put them to death immediately. I want to live a pure and blameless life before you. 
Make my souls longing always only be you. 
Genesis 34

Monday, August 1, 2016

Psalm 107 Summit Say So

Father, thank you that in you, I am redeemed.  In my troubles you deliver me. In my longings you satisfy. When I cry out, you hear me. You send out your word and heal me. You turn rivers into desert and you turn desert into pools of water. All is in your hand and you control it all. 
I will consider the steadfast love of the LORD. I will thank you for your steadfast love. 
I will proclaim your deliverance and I will say I am your redeemed. 
Psalm 107