Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Your voice

Father, you are filled with glory and strength.



How mighty is the voice of the LORD. All creation was spoken into being.



With. Your. Voice.



Creation cannot help but to obey your every word.



I want my response to be obedience. Just at the sound of your voice. I long to hear your voice. .


You sit as King enthroned above all.



Over all the raging of the sea and the flooding waters, you speak peace.

Psalm 29



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Monday, November 20, 2017


Father, when my troubles seem so big, I know you will deliver.



You give generously. You fulfill all your plans and you bring salvation to all your people.



I know you will save. I know you will answer. I trust in you.



You are my King. 

Psalm 20



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Friday, November 17, 2017

Fight fear

Father, thank you that I have no need to fear because you fight for me. 



Help me to stand and wait for your deliverance.

Deuteronomy 3



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #fear #donotfear #fight #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #lord #standfirm #wait

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Father, that I may know and believe the love you have for me.



I catch myself time and time again striving and working for that love. I long to know you as a Father who loves without condition and without any requirements. That you care for me without limit. I have missed it for so long.



Teach me to abide in your love and have no fear. I know when I am perfected in love, my understanding will be deepened and fear will have no place.



Perfect your love in me. Thank you that I can love you because you loved me first. Thank you that my love will overflow into the world around me. Give me the depths of this understanding.

1 John 4



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Monday, November 6, 2017

His pleasure

Father, thank you that it is you who works in me, that my will and my work will be for your pleasure.



Thank you that I can put no confidence in my flesh and what I am able to do, but that all my confidence is on your Holy Spirit to lead me and in Christ Jesus, who redeemed me.



Help me to take this truth and make it my own. To press on toward the goal, for the prize of the upward call.



Thank you that because I know who you are and who I am in you, I can rejoice in you.

Philippians 2 & 3



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Friday, November 3, 2017


Father, thank you for strong women and men who challenge and build up those younger in the faith.



Help us to learn the value and need for true discipleship, which truly changes lives.



Help us to build up and encourage each other in the word and with the examples of our lives and teach us to allow others to speak into our lives for the sake of the gospel.

1 Timothy 6



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #lovegodgreatly #entrusted #1timothy #messybible #discipleship

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Father, I want to be blessed by you.



I don't want to plant myself rooted deeply in the ways of the world.



I want all my delight to be in you and in your beautiful word.



Draw me to meditate on it day and night. That is the only way it can come out of me... if it is deep in me.



Root me deeply in you.

Psalm 1



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