Friday, December 29, 2017


Father, thank you for your word and the Holy Spirit to give understanding.



I see myself in all four kinds of soil through my life. It breaks my heart because I want to have understanding of your ways and Your Kingdom.



Make my heart good soil for the seeds of your word so that my life will give fruit and bring you glory. Change my heart, oh God.



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #kingdomhearts #kingdomofGod #fruit #goodsoil #sower #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Father, you command me not to be anxious but to run to you in prayer.



Thank you that you listen to my prayers and that you know what I need before I need it.



Thank you that you provide peace and protection from my own wicked heart and earthy mind when I run to you. 



Help me to walk in obedience on where I place my mind and heart. Thank you that you have given me what I need to stand on your word and in trust.

Philippians 4



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #anxiousfornothing #p31obs #lovegodgreatly #philippians #anxious #anxiety #peace #thanksgiving #mindofchrist #words #wordstudy #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Friday, December 22, 2017


Father, the words of Jesus are so hard. His warnings so strong. That persecution will come. But not to fear.



Thank you for your great love. That even when a sparrow falls, you know. And I am of more value to you, so that you know every hair on my head.



I want to live my life proclaiming the truth found in knowing you.



Thank you for the peace that you bring to me. But that peace was a violent thing to attain. Thank you that Jesus was obedient to endure that violence and make a way for peace between you and every man, woman and child. Thank you that you are my Peace.

Matthew 10



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #matthew #womenoftheword #lovegodgreatly #heispeace #peace #hair #hairsonmyhead #sparrows #value #peaceonearth 

Monday, December 18, 2017


Father, sometimes I wonder why you set us on the path you have set us on. Or why you have allowed the difficulties that you have.



When things get hard I am tempted to ask questions like "why?" And "Will you please fix this??"



It is harder from me to ask for your will.



Help me to trust your perfect Father heart toward me. Help me to trust the path you have for me. Help me to know without a doubt, that this thing, obstacle, trial, is for your glory. Help me to trust like Jesus. He knew your heart for him and he obeyed. 



You have always done it. You always will. Even in the pain, let my will die and let your will be done.



Thank you that you will accomplish this for your glory.

Mark 14



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #notmywill #yourwill #strongwilledGod #strongarmofgod #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Friday, December 15, 2017


Father, you are the one who daily opens my eyes and my ears. You are my constant help.



You are the one who fights for me and gives me more mercy than I will ever deserve.



Thank you that I can trust in you. Thank you that you are my God and I can rely on you. You will never let me down. 



Lead me and call to me. Keep me on your path of righteous for the sake of your name.

Isaiah 50



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #trust #trustinthelord #relyongod #bible #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #hesustains 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Oh my Father, you are so good.



You are full of mercy and steadfast love toward your people. You turn your ear to our cries and remember your covenant to take care of us.



You cause those who hold us captive, to change their minds and to have pity on us. Thank you for your great mercy.



You save us in our time of need. I will give thanks to your holy and precious name. I find my joy in giving you all the praise.

Psalm 106



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Monday, December 4, 2017


Father, your ways are higher than my ways and your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. I have nothing to offer you.



Yet you choose me. You have not forgotten and and you will not. I have been engraved on your hand.



I am yours.



Thank you. Compel me to love the people around me when I want to drive them away because I don't feel I am enough.



I am not enough. But you are enough. And am all I need to be in you.



Child. Protected. Loved. Engraved. I belong.

In you. 

Isaiah 49



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #engraved #onhishand #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #heavencamedown #notforgotten #His

Saturday, December 2, 2017


Father, thank you that you are a strong city, a strong tower to me. Thank you that you surround me with your protection. You battle for me. 



Thank you that perfect peace is there for me when I purposefully place my mind on you. Help me to remember that in my mind is a battle for your truth and the enemies lies. Strengthen me for that battle. 



Help me to stay my mind on you. Give me a steadfast mind and heart.



Because of who you are and all the ways you have been faithful in my life, I *know* that I can trust you completely.



You are my trustworthy Father and I can steady my mind on that promise.

Isaiah 26



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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Your voice

Father, you are filled with glory and strength.



How mighty is the voice of the LORD. All creation was spoken into being.



With. Your. Voice.



Creation cannot help but to obey your every word.



I want my response to be obedience. Just at the sound of your voice. I long to hear your voice. .


You sit as King enthroned above all.



Over all the raging of the sea and the flooding waters, you speak peace.

Psalm 29



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Monday, November 20, 2017


Father, when my troubles seem so big, I know you will deliver.



You give generously. You fulfill all your plans and you bring salvation to all your people.



I know you will save. I know you will answer. I trust in you.



You are my King. 

Psalm 20



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Friday, November 17, 2017

Fight fear

Father, thank you that I have no need to fear because you fight for me. 



Help me to stand and wait for your deliverance.

Deuteronomy 3



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #fear #donotfear #fight #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #lord #standfirm #wait

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Father, that I may know and believe the love you have for me.



I catch myself time and time again striving and working for that love. I long to know you as a Father who loves without condition and without any requirements. That you care for me without limit. I have missed it for so long.



Teach me to abide in your love and have no fear. I know when I am perfected in love, my understanding will be deepened and fear will have no place.



Perfect your love in me. Thank you that I can love you because you loved me first. Thank you that my love will overflow into the world around me. Give me the depths of this understanding.

1 John 4



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #yourword #love #godislove #forum17 #steadfast #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #1john #perfectlove #nofear 

Monday, November 6, 2017

His pleasure

Father, thank you that it is you who works in me, that my will and my work will be for your pleasure.



Thank you that I can put no confidence in my flesh and what I am able to do, but that all my confidence is on your Holy Spirit to lead me and in Christ Jesus, who redeemed me.



Help me to take this truth and make it my own. To press on toward the goal, for the prize of the upward call.



Thank you that because I know who you are and who I am in you, I can rejoice in you.

Philippians 2 & 3



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingthroughphilippians #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #rejoice #atthenameofjesus #worship #makeitmyown

Friday, November 3, 2017


Father, thank you for strong women and men who challenge and build up those younger in the faith.



Help us to learn the value and need for true discipleship, which truly changes lives.



Help us to build up and encourage each other in the word and with the examples of our lives and teach us to allow others to speak into our lives for the sake of the gospel.

1 Timothy 6



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #lovegodgreatly #entrusted #1timothy #messybible #discipleship

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Father, I want to be blessed by you.



I don't want to plant myself rooted deeply in the ways of the world.



I want all my delight to be in you and in your beautiful word.



Draw me to meditate on it day and night. That is the only way it can come out of me... if it is deep in me.



Root me deeply in you.

Psalm 1



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #day1 #blessed #meditate #law #wordofgod #thankyou #rooted #givethanks 

Monday, October 30, 2017


Father, thank you for the Apostle Paul and his passion for your church. 

Thank you that you are the one who completes the work in me, because you are the one who began it. This shows me that I am held by you with no need to strive. I want to be found abiding in you. 

I pray that your church will rise up and be bold in our unity and love. Help us to look past our own motivations and be thankful that the gospel is being proclaimed. Help us to walk in the joy of unity. 

Thank you that I only have to worry about my own heart and not everyone around me. That you are sovereign and in control of how your name is proclaimed. 

Oh Father, let my life be worthy of the gospel of Christ. For you are worth all of this junk that I endure. And even more. You are worth it. 

Help me to lay down my interests for the sake of the Gospel.

Philippians 1



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingforyourhusband #lovegodgreatly #philippians #messybible #journalingbible #illustratedfaith #unity #motivation #worthy 

Monday, October 23, 2017


Father, reveal to my heart what I crave. Deliver me from the cravings of my flesh and cause my heart to crave your truth.



Reveal to me the root of my words. If they are conceited, puffed up, ignorant, or full of controversy and quarrels. Reveal to my heart the results of those kinds of words... envy, dissension, slander or friction. Break the chains of these, I know they flow from my heart.



Father, help me to press through to pursue righteousness and fight for my faith. Help me to no longer be passive, but to be ready for work through hard things in order to take hold of all that you have for me. 

1 Timothy 6



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #crave #takehold #press #words #conceited #slander #faith #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #lovegodgreatly #1timothy

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Day 18

Abba! I love you!  You are my strength and my rock. My shield, fortress and stronghold. I would have died if it were not for you!  



I cried out to you and you came storming in! You rescued me because you delighted in me. 



How can the love of a Father be so...



Because of Jesus you see me righteous, blameless, free. With the merciful you show yourself merciful. Make me merciful like you. 

Psalm 18

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #day18 #strength #rock #stronghold #fortress #youcame #rescued #delight #goodfather #jesus #righteous #mercy

Monday, October 16, 2017


Father, David saw your deliverance in ways not many have. You set him apart and saved him. You preserved him for a purpose. 

He was a man full of sin... and a heart of repentance. His desperate cries reached your ears and you answered his plea.



Father, help me to be a woman who has a heart of repentance. Help me to see my desperate state and the mighty hand you take to rescue me from what I deserve. 



Thank you that you delight in me. Thank you that you chose me and set me apart. Help me to begin to understand the depths of that. I pray that all my delight is in you alone. Mark my heart deep with delight in you and your word. Thank you that you daily draw me to you. Help me to be sensitive and alert to your Spirit that draws me. 

2 Samuel 22



#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #rescue #delight #salvation #biblejournaling #bible #illustratedfaith 

Friday, October 13, 2017


Father, thank you for causing Jesus to reveal His humanity and His need in this moment to the woman at the well. 

Thank you for using her as an example of your love and mercy as you drew her into conversation that would change her life forever. 

Thank you for your call to repentance and lack of condemnation. Your mercy is scandalous. 

Help me to see my need daily, that I am not able to meet the standard of holiness, but help me to see that you have done that work for me in the finished work of Jesus. 

John 4

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #humility #humanity #need #water #wells #springoflife #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Monday, October 9, 2017


Father, thank you that everything created by you is good. Help me to receive all things from you with thanksgiving.  

Help me to obey the leading of your Spirit and to be able to recognize myths. Help me to be trained in the words of the faith and good doctrine. 

Help me to use your words to train myself for godliness, because my hope is set on you, the living God. 

Help me not to allow my fears of others opinions to hinder how I live my life. 

Help me to immerse myself in your ways and your teachings. Help me to put these things into practice as I learn them. 

Thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit to teach me and guide me. Don't let me become calloused to His leading and conviction. Make my heart soft and able to be molded into your image. 

1 Timothy 4

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #lovegodgreatly #1timothy #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #training #keepyourselfpure #hopesetonchrist #godliness 

Monday, October 2, 2017


Father, you search me and know me. You see my every move. You know my thoughts and fears. You know my inner accusations of you. 

You know my doubts and the filth of my heart that no one knows. 

But you formed me and you choose me. Your thoughts toward me are precious. 

Thank you for your unfailing love. Thank you for constantly covering my faults. You are my good Father. 

Psalm 139

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #formed #known #youknowme #youchooseeme #chosen #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #p31obs #searchme 

Friday, September 29, 2017


Father, you call me to be faithful. In the tiny replies, every response and reaction... even on social media. 

You call me to be faithful in this step... then that one... but wait faithfully right there for the next one. Don't move yet. Be faithful. 

You call me to be faithful with every table I wipe and every diaper I change. Every time I have to turn his socks right side out and every pot I have to clean up. 

You call me to be faithful in the reading of your word and the minutes spent in prayer. Faithful with my time spent in worship, to not be distracted by voices but set my mind on you. 

You call me to be faithful to the time listening to a woman pouring her heart out or just needing to vent. Even how I am living the words that I preach. 

I complain and threaten to throw in the towel. I whine when it is too much. 

Father, call my heart to repentance and teach me to be faithful. Even to death to myself. A faithful one who loves to please her Master. 

Like 16

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #faithful #p31obs #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #writtenword #study #heart

Friday, September 22, 2017


Father, thank you for your law and using it to show me how far I fall short every day. 

Thank you for your mercy and grace overflowing so that I can no longer be who I once was. 

Thank you for your perfect patience and revealing to me how impatient I am so that I can have the opportunity daily to repent and ask you to renew my mind and heart. 

Thank you for showing me in your word that the aim of everything I do should be LOVE. Help me to love even when it is inconvenient. 

Thank you that you call me and teach me to be faithful with what you have given to me... the ministry that is before me. Make my eyes able to see what it is you set before me. Make me faithful. 

Thank you that you desire all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. Help me to be faithful to learn and know your truth so that I can't be easily led away from you. 

1 Timothy 1, 2 & 3

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #lovegodgreatly #1&2timothy #love #faithful #grace #mercy #perfectpatience #law #formerways 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wits end

Father, I have been at my wits end this week. So many emotions and thoughts. I am overwhelmed. 

Listen to my prayer and answer me quickly! Deliver me from the things that seek to destroy me. Don't hide yourself from me!

No one can stand under your judgement because no one is righteous before you. I will never measure up. But you show great mercy and steadfast love because of your name's sake. 

Teach me to do your will. Show me the right path. You hold my life and plans in your hand and I remember from the past that your steadfast love will prevail above all failure. 

Psalm 143

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayer #mercy #answerme #steadfastlove #righteousness #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Friday, September 1, 2017


Father, thank you that you have given us the Holy Spirit and freedom in you. Thank you for revealing the law to unveil your great grace. 

Help me to walk in the Spirit so that your fruit will be evident in my life. I want these to flow out of my life... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self control. 

Help me not to sow out of my flesh, which brings death, but to sow out of the Spirit, which brings life! Help me to not grow weary doing what you have placed in front of me. But help me to be faithful and work fully as unto you. 

May my boast be in Christ alone. 

Galatians 5 & 6

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #fruitofthespirit #sowinthespirit #holyspirit #life #love #joy #peace #patience #kindness #goodness #faithfulness #gentleness #selfcontrol 

Monday, August 28, 2017


Father, how easy it is to fall into the trap that I can do something for my salvation. To earn it or work toward it. Even the phrase "I'll do my best" is works based and I fall into that deception daily. 

Thank you that your grace and mercy are always there to meet me and rescue me from my self righteousness. 

Help me to see my falling short but your love shine though the mess I make. Help me to walk according to your Spirit and not allow the spirit of slavery to chain me again. 

Thank you for your great love. Your great scandalous love. 

Galatians 3

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #timewarpwife #womanoftheword #quiettime #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #writtenword 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Father, thank you for showing me the humility of Paul. He had every reason to base his life on the approval of man, but he knew that your opinion of him is the only opinion that mattered. 

Help me to not allow the approval of man to change what I know of myself or what you have called me to. 

Help me to humble myself in a way that doesn't assume that people should know my capabilities or strengths. 

Help me to rest in the fact that the way that you view me is truth and everything else is a lie. 

Thank you that it doesn't matter if anyone knows who I am or what I have done. Thank you that what matters is that all men and women know you and what you have done for them. Let that be my focus, just as it was for Paul. 

Galatians 1

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #galatians #timewarpwife #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #humble #knowwhogodis #approval 

Monday, August 7, 2017


Father, thank you that I can serve you with gladness and come into your presence with singing because I can know that you are God! 

You are good even when life is not, thank you that I can cling to that and not allow my circumstances to rule my emotions. 

Thank you for your goodness, your steadfast love and your faithfulness to all generations. 

Psalm 100

#prayingthepsalms #prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #psalms #steadfastlove #faithful #heisGod #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Friday, August 4, 2017


Father, teach me to guard the deposit that has been entrusted to me in the gospel of Jesus and the gifting you have given me to share it. 

Teach me to esteem your gospel above all other things in my life. Help me to bind it on my heart. 

Teach me to use the gifting that you have given me with great esteem so that your gospel will be advanced. Don't let me allow others to distract me or discourage me from what you have placed in my hand. 

Teach me to effectively use my giftings to the best of my ability and that you would receive the glory for all of it. 

Father, you and your Word are my treasured possession. 

1 Timothy 6

#entrusted #gospel #gifting #breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #guard #deposit #guardthedeposit #guardthegifting 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Father, I don't want to hide the talents, opportunities and gifts that you give to me to further your kingdom. 

Help me to not operate in fear and doubt. Help me to not settle for whatever just happens!  

Make me brave to work hard and take risks. Help me to walk in faith and invest in what will be the greater reward. 

Help me to remember as I obey, that you are my shepherd and you gently lead me. Help me to remember that I am loved and because of that I can walk in faith and trust you alone. 

Matthew 25

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #talents #faithfulservant #fear #doubt #brave #steadfastlove #donthide #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling 

Friday, July 28, 2017


Father, you are my anchor. Thank you that in you, I will never be moved. That I will not be afraid of bad news because I trust that your plan is always for my good. 

Thank you that my heart is firm in trusting you because of who you are and not because of what I can do. 

Thank you that my heart can be steady and I can always look in triumph on my enemies because of your mighty power to work in my circumstances to bring glory to yourself. 

Draw me to live the righteous life and obey the call you have placed on me. 

Thank you that because of you I am called righteous. 

Psalm 112

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #steadfastlove #anchored #nevermoved #heart #notafraid #steadyheart #triumph #trust 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

His plan

Father, what a peace it give me to know that while I plan away, you establish my steps. 

I plan, wonder and organize so that it will all be just so, but you way will be done. You have the final say. There is so much grace in that knowledge. 

Father, tune my heart to know your leading so that I will easily follow what you have for me. 

Thank you that you will never leave me. 

Proverbs 16

#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #prayingthepsalms #illustratedfaith #biblejournaling #heart #plans #jehovah #heestablishesmysteps #heissovereign #myplan #steps

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Father, my souls waits for you. Teach me to wait in simple silence. Help me to discipline myself. 

Thank you that you are my rock and my fortress. Thank you that you are my salvation. 

Thank you that I can trust in your deliverance when I rest in you. Teach me to rest in you. 

My hope comes from you alone.  

Psalm 62

#prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #breathingprayers #hope #refuge #fortress #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #salvation #rest

Monday, July 17, 2017

Save me

Father, thank you that I can cry out in confidence to you because of your steadfast love toward me. 

I am in over my head and I need your rescue. I need you to hear my cry. I am nothing and can do nothing without you. My vision has grown dim and I can't find my way. 

Thank you for hearing my cry and turning my heart and my eyes from my circumstances to look to you alone. 

My heart know that you are the only one to save me, to rescue and pull me out of this. 

Thank you for your great love for me, a love that no one else can give. Thank you for meeting with me and showing me you great love. Thank you for your sovereign hand that holds me close and knows my every breath and every beat of my heart. My heart has come alive with your love. 

Psalm 69

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Father, I know in life there are ebbs and flows. Hot then cold again. But as David prayed so many times in the Psalms, be gracious to me, teach me your way. 

Father, make this passage true to my heart. I desire for my heart to stand in awe of your word. I want to rejoice daily at your word. I desire to love your law. 

I want to praise you continually and have the great peace that comes from loving your law. 

Write these things on my heart. Compel me with your Holy Spirit to be in awe of you. 

Psalm 119

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #awe #heart #yourword #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Soul talk

Father, help me to preach the gospel to myself. Help me to preach your goodness to myself. 

Give me an unquenchable thirst for you. Help me to come to you and rest from my work and striving by the living streams that you offer.  

Thank you that I am not alone and that you hold every tear in a bottle. Thank you that you never leave me or forsake me. Thank you that you COMMAND your steadfast love over me. 

Father, teach me with your word, to speak words of truth to myself and not lies. 

Help me to daily place my hope in you. You are my salvation and my God.  You are the giver of steadfast love. 

Psalm 42 

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #steadfastlove #memyselfandlies #p31obs #soultalk #preach #salvation #hope 

Friday, July 7, 2017


Father, you tell me to keep your words, treasure your commandments, keep your commandments and teachings. To bind them on my fingers and write them on my heart. 

Father, as I see a finger bound and unable to move freely, I wonder what exactly you mean. Nothing can be done with this bound finger without extreme care taken to not accidentally remove the binding, because it protects from pain. 

I always stumble into the meaning. Father, your commands and teachings are to be the binding that protects me from pain caused by sin... injury. The pain may come but the binding is there to hold me together. All my thoughts go to that binding as protection. 

Help me to bind myself with your words, your teachings and commands as a protection. Help me to see it in that way instead of a burden to hinder. Thank you that you have given your word to me to bind me in. Write your words on my heart and I bind them on myself. 

Proverbs 7

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingproverbs #binding #heart #fingers #pain #injury #protection. 

Monday, July 3, 2017


Father, help me to learn from the examples of Moses, the Children of Israel, Hosea and Jesus, even as you lead them into the wilderness with a purpose. 

Your purpose was to humble them and to show them their own hearts. You revealed hearts of disobedience, hearts of fear and hearts surrendered to you. 

Father, as I have been led into this wilderness, humble me and reveal my own heart to me. Show me the broken wells and the false anchors I have placed my hope in. Help me to embrace this place and learn what you have for me until you are ready do move me into a new season. 

Deuteronomy 8

#breathingprayers #prayingscriptures #steadfastlove #brokenwells #anchorofhope #wilderness #humble #heart 

Friday, June 30, 2017


Father, let all who take refuge in you rejoice, let them ever sing for joy. 

Spread your protection of them, that those who love your name may exult in you. 

Father, help me to take my refuge in you and not try to hide in what I can accomplish on my own. You are the rock that I hide myself in. 

Psalm 5

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #prayingthepsalms #refuge #sing