Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Red Sea

Father, you do all things for your glory! I am just like the children of Israel, who, when I see the enemy coming and I see no way around the impossible task, my instinct is to turn and run back in fear. It looked like they had no where to go and Pharaoh's army mocked them. But you hardened the heart of Pharaoh to pursue them. Then you brought about a situation where only You could deliver them and all the glory would be yours. Your name became great among the Egyptians and it becomes great in my life when you work the impossible. Help me not to run back to my bondage when things feel risky and terrifying. Help me to not fear but to stand firm and watch your salvation come to pass. Thank you that you fight for me and all I have to do is be silent. Silent trust in my mighty God. 

Exodus 14

#prayingthescriptures #breathingprayers #bestill #bondage #fearnot #30daysofgratitude #timewarpwife #writingthescriptures #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith 

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