Monday, April 10, 2017


Father, in this scene of the death of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, they were hurt. They were mourning and couldn't understand why Jesus waited. They knew He could heal their brother. But He didn't. He didn't even come in time. 

Actually... He waited, as scriptures say, He waited *because* He loved. He didn't come right away because He loved them. Shocking. 

You wanted them to see that even in death, you receive the glory. You allow what looks to me like failure for a greater good. So that all may see and know what you are capable of... Resurrection. 

And when Jesus said those words "I am the resurrection and the life" He said them to one woman, with possibly no one else around. You wanted one woman to know you intimately. You are the resurrection and the life. You wanted her to look past today into eternity and see what you have given all mankind through Christ. You have given life. 

So Father, help me to know that you use even my failures for your glory. Help me to trust you with the things in my life that I mourn for that look like they are dead and have no fruit. Help me to know that you allow pain to grow me, that I may know you more intimately. Help me to know that you are at work even when I can't see it. And help me to obey your words when they look silly and fruitless and to know that you have called me to an eternal purpose that will not bear fruit on this earth alone, but it will go into eternity as I step out in obedience to you. 

John 11

#breathingprayers #prayingthescriptures #findingiam #iam #resurrection #life #biblejournaling #illustratedfaith #writtenword

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